I was surprised to see this Buff Orpington try to roost in this young tree. She stayed up there a long time. When she got down, the other chickens got in her face about being a show-off. I’m sure a few others will try to get up in the trees this week.
The weather is really slowing us down over here. It’s like Mother Nature hit the pause button in the garden, and everything is in suspended animation. Very little growth. It’s almost June, and we’re still dealing with nights in the 40s and dreary, gray days.
I don’t mind the rain so much since we haven’t had time to set up a permanent irrigation system, but the plants and the gardener would appreciate a few sun breaks. I’ve been pulling weeds in the rain and trying to restrain my seed-sowing thumb that can’t figure out why it isn’t allowed to push squash and cucumber seeds into the dirt.