pepper joy

hot peppers from the garden

Today I rescued the last of the hot peppers.  I was trying to let more of them ripen on the plant, but it’s been quite cold at night and very damp.  Even green, I can use these Cayennes, Serranos, and Krimson Lees. 

I put a few of these peppers in another batch of kimchi.  I hope those of you who bought a jar have enjoyed it.  You all cleaned me out my kimchi stock so I have another batch started.  (I’m very happy to need to make more!)

The other peppers are going into a new batch of fermented chili sauce.  The first batch tastes wickedly good already, but I’m going to let it ferment another few days. This is a thick, spicy, concentrated sauce to be used wherever you need some lively heat.  I think it tastes great on eggs, on rice, on vegetables, and in a burrito.  You also can use it as the heat element in other sauces, too.  I can’t wait to share this new sauce with you in December.

last of the peppers

Back to those peppers…  don’t they look glorious?  It seems odd to be harvesting perfectly wonderful peppers in the middle of November, doesn’t it?  Is it this funny year we’ve had with the weather?  Or does one normally find healthy peppers this late in the Pacific Northwest?  I’ve never had this big of a pepper harvest before so I’m confused.  (Not that this is a big harvest, but from four plants, I’m pleased.)

Do you know that we’re still harvesting side shoots from broccoli plants we started in the garage last January?  We’ve held off on composting the plants because they’re still producing just enough tender flowers for us to have for dinner.  (Farmers get the bruised leftovers and the tender, sweet, stray bits of last glory.  I don’t feel sorry for myself.)

Have I mentioned that we had more than 200 pounds of summer squash this year?  And 150 pounds of green beans?  We are so honored to be able to share our bounty with you.  Thank you!


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